As of 2021, Daniels Health has decided to introduce Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ENWIS (ENterprise Waste Information Software) as its new ERP business software system.
Daniels has operations in Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, UK, Europe and South Africa and is widely regarded as a leader of innovation in the medical waste space. Daniels’ flagship product – the Sharpsmart collector, was launched in 1999 and is now used in thousands of healthcare facilities around the globe. It has been peer reviewed in numerous medical journals with findings that indisputably assert it as the safest sharps collector in the world.
With the second largest healthcare service infrastructure in the United States, globally recognized clinical solutions, Daniels entered the US healthcare market in 2003 as the clinical alternative for medical waste management and disposal. Challenging the long-instilled practices of medical waste being managed as a back-of-dock service with no infection risk considerations, Daniels ushered in a new standard of risk prevention by putting safety, intelligent movement and clinical design at the forefront of its medical waste management practices.
The 2015 EXPO-STOP blood exposure survey estimates that each year 320,000 needlestick and other sharps related injuries are sustained by healthcare personnel in the US. As a safety-focused company, we are passionate about reducing this number. With safety as our primary driver, Daniels has invested millions of dollars in R&D to develop world-leading leakproof containment systems, robotic washing processes achieving the highest levels of bacterial load reduction, and a suite of space-optimizing accessories that enable hands-free operation and point-of-use accessibility.
Certified Microsoft Waste & Recycling Partner ITA Dynamics is the leading Microsoft Business Software Solutions provider specifically for the niche Waste Management & Recycling Services marketplace and will be assisting in the implementation for Daniels Health of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ENWIS (ENterprise Waste Information Software).