Customer Quotes

It’s the countless little features that make our lives easier and save minutes. Taken across an entire day, the improvements are quite significant.”
– Marcel Ingenhorst, Controller, 2G
A process that used to take eight hours and required dedicated hardware—takes only 30 minutes today. “The evaluation of mass data has simply become a lot faster.”
– Jörg Frenker, Head of IT at 2G

Customer service has improved, with weighbridge ticket errors being reduced by more than 75%. Manual processes in the weighbridge have been reduced by at least 55%, and further improvements are likely as the system is optimised in use. “(The) ERP solution has impacted many facets of our business, from improved customer service to reduced operational costs.”
– Peter Robertson, Group Finance and Administration Manager, Alex Fraser Group.

Less than one year after deploying… ARF is already seeing significant productivity gains. “Response times for out remote sites are much better…and…the application does not require much in the way of resources.”
– Damien Desmarets, Project Manager and Computer Technician for ARF.

“We greatly reduced our error rate. Furthermore, implementing ENWIS only cost us half of what we would have needed to pay for updating the existing system. (We) reduced the labor expenditures from five to one and a half days for stocktaking. Our order volume increased by 20% in the recent past. The additional work could be managed without new employees. Because Navision automatically adds the most important contract information, we can work with semi-skilled workers. This reduces our labor costs.”
– Lutz Burgdorf, Head of IT department, Avista Mineralöl-Gruppe.

“We now have the space we need for future growth, and can react flexibly to new market demands. We have combined our customer data, service catalogue and flow of materials, and now work with stream-lined structures. As manual intervention is no longer required, there is more time available for the operating business.”
– Dennis Eisele, Director of the BioCycling GmbH Customer Centre
(BioCycling belongs 50/50 to Veolia Environmental Services & Consulting & Co. KG and Karl Meyer AG)

“In 2007, for example, we used Microsoft Dynamics NAV to boost individual and organizational productivity and doubled our revenue, adding new customers and distribution channels, without hiring more staff.”
– Jerry Washburn, Senior Vice President and CFO, Blue Sun

“We were able to replace five different software products with the integrated branch-solution… In our everyday-business, we are now working without interfaces and important information is always currently available.”
– Dirk van Schoonhoven, Leiter EDV Brühne-Gruppe, Dortmund

“This system allows us to forcast out our growth over the next 6 months much more efficiently than the system we had in place before that. We were producing, before the system came into place, around 40,000 cartridges a month out of this facility. Right now, this month we’ll produce around 90,000 cartridges out of the same size facility so certainly our efficiency per employee has increased.”
– Dan Ruhl, CFO, Clover Technologies Group, LLC
“(Before) you were closing out your UPS orders and keying in your shipping charges for 2 hours on a daily basis and now you don’t even have to touch that and it’s automatcically done. A year ago we were shipping up 150 to 250 UPS packages a day. Today we average about 700 and I’m doing it with the same number of people. You don’t have to be a mathmatician to figure that one out. Our people are not here 60 hours a week, they’re here 40 hours a week because they can do the same amount of work in that time, and you know we’ve doubled our business in that time. So we’re shipping a lot more but doing it with less people and more efficiently.”
– Ron Skowronski, VP of Distribution, Clover Technologies Group, LLC.

“The flexibility of the new platform has been a key selling point for us. For example, one of our larger companies has about 20 million journal entries in its general ledger entry database. Regardless of the business unit size, we’ve managed to tailor fit Dynamics NAV to suit the specific needs of the respective business units.”
– Carol Wozney, Director of Infrastructure Services, Corix

“We are now able to compile most of our information in one spot. This greatly increased the quality of our data and also gives us faster access to it. It is also much easier to run analyses using ENWIS.”
– Marc Hüfing, Head of IT at DK Recycling

“We handle about 40,000 orders a year, 20-30% arrive electronically – with tendency to rise. Since the data aren’t collected manually anymore, the saving effect is huge.”
– Gerd Doose, spokesman of the GAB GmbH management.

“Our selection process was rigorous. We looked at many solutions but ENWIS clearly stood out as the right one for our sector and our business. It proved itself in our Leicester pilot project by going live on time and within budget, and we’re confident that we can achieve our ambitious growth plans more quickly and efficiently by having ENWIS as our end-to-end business solution.”
– Michael Topham, Greenstar UK finance director

“We saved approximately 300 contracts with medium-sized carriers in Navision. Our dispatchers are now able to find the most favorable partner fast.”
– Helga Retsch-Preuß
“This branch-software covers all relevant processes, functions and reporting demands of the local authorities. Furthermore, Navision’s software-structure is extremely flexible. Adjustments can, therefore, easily be made. As a result, the time needed for the implementation was clearly shorter than, for example, with SAP.”
– Heribert See, head of the IT department at GSB

“(Before) we had to wait for reports very long, today, we can make the relevant reports ourselves.”
– Ursula Jansen, Branch Manager, Horst Marthen Städtereinigung GmbH & Co. KG
Where monthly invoicing could be completed soonest on the 15. of the following month, today, the invoices are send out latest on the 10. day. “This doesn’t only improve our liquidity situation.” For the reporting it was possible to shorten the processing time by 10 days.
– Manfred Neumann, Procurist and Sales Manager, Holtmeyer GmbH & Co. KG.

Previously, 10,000 movement forms each year had to be printed and administered in paper form. Now, everything is done electronically. “Extensive processes, like the manual administration of movement forms and weighbridge tickets completely disappeared, we save a considerable amount of work and reduce our administrative costs.”
– Harald Höpperger, managing director, Höpperger GmbH, Tyrol

“95 percent of the processes match ours. For the necessary adjustments, we never crossed the line to where updates become problematic.” It used to take the company several days to make the monthly vendor invoicing, the process can now be completed in half the time.
– Meik Fränsing, purchasing-officer at Hermann Kastrup GmbH

“We wanted to get away from isolated applications, towards one shared data basis in the company and an end-to-end process from laboratory to invoicing… we need(ed) a reliable, neat and traceable data basis in order to fulfill customer requirements and expect a considerable simplification of the invoicing procedure, once the whole process, starting with the order entry including all prices and the laboratory results, is enclosed in one system.”
– CEO Bernd Dorlöchter, KS-Recycling GmbH & Co. KG

“The technical standard set up of the Navison solution was completed within several days.” … a phenomenal acceleration of the contracting and material planning process by 80% in just 90 seconds. The increase in efficiency achieved equates to a projected 2,350 working hours a year.
– Thomas Wittig, Manager for IT Services, LOGEX SYSTEM GmbH & Co. KG

“We can send invoices for our waste disposal services while vehicles are still on the road. This greatly improves cash flow, which is an important advantage in the face of ever-increasing competition.”
– Heiko Lonkwitz, Head of Administration, GMA (now – Nehlsen GmbH Niederlassung Nord-West)
“The functionality out of the box already covered more than 80% of our technical needs and the Microsoft Dynamics basis fit perfectly into our system landscape.”
– Andreas Seebeck, Head of Data Processing Coordination and also the project lead at Nehlsen responsible for introducing ENWIS.

“Now that we have a system which has been perfectly adapted to the special requirements of the OTTO DÖRNER Recycling GmbH, we’re able to work better and more efficiently and we’re equipped for future growth!”
“We were surprised ourselves by the positive way the users immediately accepted the new RTC setup… You could feel the positive charge that permeated the halls during that time. Everyone was acting in concert to make the new software version more than just a tool but a solution that would make our work processes markedly easier.”
– Stephan Friedrichs, Team Leader Software Development at the OTTO DÖRNER Group, Hamburg

“We know at any time where our vehicles are located and we can work off orders already the same day. Today our employees can overlook exactly the locations and remaining periods. Thus our vehicle are better utilized than before.”
– Karsten Vieler, proxy holder and project manager at Reisswolf Köln GmbH

“Today our employees find all of their information in one place. This makes order and contract management more comfortable, faster and much more secure.”
“The entire weighing process used to be handled manually. That was time consuming and quite prone to errors. We were also unable to verify results in cases of doubt. Today the entire process is transparent.”
“What’s great is that no one needs a reminder. We don’t need as much as an e-mail to control the order. In addition, the procedures remain transparent and easy to track long-term. We’ve been able to partly realize our vision of a paperless office thanks to (ENWIS Comotor.”
– Fred Van Den Ham, Senior Trader and a member of the product team at Roba Metals Group

“(It) took just 60 days to configure the system, and because it was easy to develop, members of our own IT team could take on some responsibility for the interfaces and all the editing.”
– Randolph Ledreux, IT Director, Roll-Gom (AUREA acquired ROLL GOM in august 2006)

“The Microsoft Dynamics logo is a mark of user friendliness and displays a high level of technicality. It also shows that ENWIS conforms to Microsoft standards. These are major plus points in terms of long-term investment security.”
– Peter Barclay, Group Information Communications Technology Director, Sims Group U.K.

“With enwis, we have succeeded in standardizing the business processes in our subsidiaries within Europe and implementing uniform reporting.”
– Pieter Wolfard, Manager Supply Chain, Smurfit Kappa Group

“The entire process of creating a claim dispute letter—from the initial decision to mailing the letter—used to take week. With the workflow that we have today, all this is done in a single day. For instance, sending out the e-mails notifying that no statement has been submitted is now done automatically. In the past, to check who had not submitted a statement, the entire information had to be passed into and checked from Microsoft Excel.”
– Luís Veiga Martins, General Manager, Sociedade Ponto Verde

“Instead of having a system that has been developed in-house and only able to support the requirements that exist in the here and now, SRV can now grow into the opportunities afforded by enwis. It provides support for all requirements in the industry, even those that SRV doesn’t currently work with. The biggest advantage at present is that the company can obtain statistics for and track all aspects of their business activities, making it easier to draw conclusions.”
– Ingela Sandström, Deputy CEO with responsibility for finance and sales at SRV Återvinning.

“ENWIS will enable SteriHealth to provide a fully integrated workflow, from Contract to Weighbridge to Disposal to Invoicing to General Ledger.”
– David Pietsch, project manager at SteriHealth (now – Cleanaway Daniels Health)

“Today, we are able to enter considerably more data in the same time. With push of a button, Microsoft Navision gives us figures, which we had to calculate with paper and pencil in meetings lasting for hours.”
– Ulrich Hasenau, project manager IM, SITA Rohstoffwirtschaft GmbH (now – SUEZ Environment)

“ENWIS is not only a tool for the operative control of our network. By helping our customers to follow up on their documentation requirements, ENWIS is also an important instrument to us for customer commitment.”
– Nils Röpke, managing director of Zentek